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  • Writer's pictureMike Slaney

Creating a Pollinator Paradise

Updated: Nov 24, 2023

Enhancing Biodiversity in Your Landscape with Native Plants

Bee landed on blue flower collecting pollen in a chemical free garden
Bee Gathering nectar from a flower at Kingsbrea Gardens (St. Andrews, NB) Source:

Welcome to our blog, where we strive to inspire and educate you on sustainable landscaping practices. In this post, we're going to dive into the world of pollinators and how you can transform your landscape into a haven for these essential creatures. Discover the benefits of incorporating native plants into your design, and learn how you can enhance biodiversity while creating a beautiful and vibrant outdoor space.

  1. Why are pollinators important? Pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and bats, all play a vital role in our ecosystem. They facilitate the reproduction of plants, ensuring the production of fruits, seeds, and a diverse array of plant species. By supporting pollinators, we help maintain biodiversity and ensure the survival of countless plant and animal species.

  2. Why should you incorporate "native plants"? Native plants are indigenous to a specific region and have evolved alongside native pollinators, making them perfectly adapted to local climate, soil, and wildlife. By incorporating native plants into your landscape, you provide a familiar and abundant food source for pollinators, making your property an attractive haven for them.

  3. Why are Dandelions not an ideal food source for pollinators? While dandelions may initially attract pollinators and serve as an early source of food for bees, they fall short in providing essential amino acids and vital nutrients. Relying solely on dandelions as a food source would be insufficient in providing bees with the necessary nutrition. Therefore, if your trying to #FeedTheBees it is crucial to offer additional food options to ensure a high-quality diet for bees.

  4. Benefits of Native Plants for Pollinators and Your Landscape:

    1. Pollen Sources: Native plants offer a diverse range of nectar and pollen sources that are perfectly suited to the dietary needs of local pollinators. By planting a variety of native flowers, shrubs, and trees, you ensure a continuous and reliable food supply throughout the seasons.

    2. Habitat and Nesting: Native plants provide essential habitat and nesting opportunities for pollinators. They offer shelter, nesting materials, and host plants for butterfly larvae, creating a complete life cycle habitat.

    3. Increased Biodiversity: As you introduce native plants, you encourage a broader range of pollinators to visit your landscape, thereby enhancing overall biodiversity. A diverse ecosystem is more resilient and can better withstand environmental challenges.

    4. Low-Maintenance Landscaping: Native plants are well-adapted to local conditions, requiring less water, fertilizer, and maintenance compared to non-native species. This not only conserves resources but also reduces the need for chemical inputs, promoting a healthier environment.

  5. Choosing the Right Native Plants:

    1. Research Local Native Species: Investigate which native plants are best suited to your specific region. Local botanical gardens, native plant nurseries, and online resources are excellent sources of information.

    2. Select a Variety of Flowering Plants: Aim for a mix of early, mid, and late-season blooming plants to provide a consistent food source for pollinators throughout the year.

    3. Consider Host Plants: Incorporate host plants that support the complete life cycle of specific pollinators. For example, milkweed is essential for monarch butterfly caterpillars.

    4. Embrace Different Plant Types: Include a variety of flowering trees, shrubs, perennial flowers, and grasses to offer diverse habitats and nectar sources.

By transforming your landscape into a pollinators paradise with native plants, you contribute to the preservation of pollinator populations and enhance biodiversity in your area. Native plants provide essential food, habitat, and nesting opportunities for pollinators, while also offering low-maintenance and sustainable landscaping options. Embrace the beauty and benefits of native plants, and watch your landscape come alive with vibrant colors, buzzing pollinators, and a thriving ecosystem.


Attracting pollinators to your garden or outdoor space can be a rewarding and beneficial experience. However, it is important to be aware of certain considerations and potential hazards associated with attracting pollinators. This include but are not limited to: Allergies, Location, Unwanted pests, importance of native plant selection, and required maintenance to ensure a beautiful safe garden for you and the pollinators. (DO NOT use pesticides or herbicides near pollinator-attracting plant [I prefer not at all])

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